« The Way of Bonsaï »
The school aims to teach the art of bonsai according to the tradition of the best Japanese schools. It offers a journey that leads to the search for perfection by making bonsai, by studying the rules and techniques and by approaching the cultural and spiritual aspects of the Japanese spirit.
Learning bonsai in the spirit of other Japanese arts as well as technical improvement will lead to enrichment, leading to a different approach to nature, namely, humility and serenity..
The courses have a duration of 4 years: the minimum time to assimilate the basic knowledge and notice the improvements on your own bonsai.
The courses are led by Bruno Mazza, a qualified instructor from the “Scuola d’Arte Bonsai” and the Federation of Bonsai Schools of Japan.
More information on the bonsaido school page
Video of the theory part of the school of Mazaugues (83) France
Bruno Mazza donne les explications avant de passer à la partie pratique.